Support our December Fundraising Challenge!

Paul Smyth
Paul Smyth
January 10, 2025
Support our December Fundraising Challenge!

We receive so many compliments and so much positive feedback on our work with young people - from young people themselves, their parents and their teachers and youth workers.  In a challenging time for democracy across the globe our work seems ever more important – from building cross-community and cross-border relationships, to campaigning for Votes at 16 and finding more ways for young people to hold those in power to account. Can you help us to sustain our work through 2025?

Alongside political turbulence, this is a challenging time for charities as the overall money available shrinks and the competition for what remains grows.  For us to sustain and grow our work, we need to diversify our income streams.  Donations are a highly effective and impactful way of supporting our work.

Thanks to the generosity of a very kind supporter, every donation made will be doubled (up to the total value of £2,000) for the month of December.  So if you were to donate £10, then we will get £20.  If you add gift-aid to your donation, then we will get £12.50 from you and the total value will go up to £25!  If you are willing to give a monthly donation (even £5 or £10), then that can help us to plan our future work.

You can donate via the 'Donate' button at the top of our website or through this link. Donations are managed by the Charities Aid Foundation and please don't forget to click the 'Gift Aid' button!

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