Come Help Us Evaluate!

July 11, 2024
Come Help Us Evaluate!

If you are a young person and have been involved in any of our projects at any time over the past 3 years we would love to hear from you!  We are organising a residential from 28-30th July where our external evaluator Professor Tony Gallagher and members of our Young Evaluator team want to hear from you about the impact our work has had, the things you liked and the things you’d like to change.

It will be held at St Columb’s Park House in Derry/Londonderry from Sunday 28th to Tuesday 30th of July and will be fun and interactive – but with a serious purpose.  To help us understand what people value about what we do and to help us to shape the next few years of our work.

With the new UK Government committing to introducing Votes at 16 across the UK it is likely that by the time of the 2027 Assembly Election 16 and 17 year olds will get to vote for the first time here.  We want to do what we can to make sure as many young people as possible use this right and also that they are well-informed and engaged voters.

Come help us look back and look forward – enjoy some great company and some good craic!  Sign up here and we’ll get back to you with details.

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